A glimpse into my professional experience.

I've been building software since 2012. Though I specialize in building cloud-based web applications, I have dabbled in many technical disciplines across the stack and throughout the software development lifecycle.

Projects & Products

  • Catio

    As Lead Fullstack Engineer, I designed and developed the Catio Console, the primary user interface for the Catio tech evaluation and improvement platform. I led the creation of a high-performance web application using Next.js and a robust GraphQL API server, ensuring seamless integration and scalability. This initiative empowered organizations to effectively evaluate, plan, and evolve their tech architectures, enhancing visibility and decision-making across tech stacks.


  • Spec

    Architected and implemented the enterprise security defense web application for Spec's defense platform, a real-time platform protecting web traffic for some of the largest global brands. Led the end-to-end development of a scalable, high-performance security solution, ensuring seamless integration and a smooth user experience. Built and managed both the engineering and compliance teams, driving the growth of a cutting-edge platform that significantly enhanced security and operational efficiency for enterprise clients.


  • Confluence

    Improved core navigation and discoverability features for Confluence, the world’s leading workplace documentation platform. Designed and implemented an automated, interactive, multi-stage release pipeline, streamlining deployment processes and significantly reducing release cycle time. Delivered scalable solutions that enhanced the overall user experience and operational efficiency for Confluence’s cloud-based web application.


  • Atlassian Navigation

    Collaborated with a cross-functional team to research, design, and develop Atlassian Navigation, a core component of the Atlassian design system used across all cloud products. Led the integration of navigation features and components, ensuring a seamless, consistent user experience across platforms. Delivered scalable, high-performance solutions that enhanced usability and streamlined navigation across Atlassian’s suite of products.


  • Echo Show

    Developed an internal web application that empowered marketers and brand partners to create, schedule, and deploy custom advertising campaigns to Amazon Echo Show devices worldwide. The platform enabled the dynamic deployment of custom camera filters, enhancing advertising capabilities and providing a unique, engaging experience for users. Delivered a scalable, user-friendly solution that streamlined campaign management and boosted brand visibility.


  • ThreatMetrix ID

    Designed and developed an interactive graph visualization for ThreatMetrix ID, the fraud industry's first dynamic representation of digital identities. The tool enabled fraud analysts to visually inspect and analyze complex user behavior across multiple websites and devices, providing deeper insights into digital identity patterns. Delivered a scalable solution that enhanced fraud detection capabilities and empowered analysts to make data-driven decisions.


  • Personal Portfolio

    This website was built by me using modern web technologies, showcasing my expertise in creating dynamic, responsive web applications. As part of my ongoing development, I continually experiment with new libraries and tools, ensuring the project remains innovative and cutting-edge. Feel free to explore the source code on my GitHub profile to see the technologies and techniques I use to craft high-quality web experiences.


  • Synergy SIS

    Contributed to Synergy, a comprehensive K-12 educational management platform, by enhancing its .NET-based administrative reporting framework. Focused on optimizing reporting features to provide more insightful, data-driven decision-making tools for school administrators. Delivered scalable solutions that improved system performance and reporting efficiency, supporting educational institutions across the U.S. with robust management capabilities.


  • Blitz Racing Cycling Club

    Volunteered to develop a landing page for Blitz Racing, the cycling club I race with, to help organize and promote community events. The site serves as a hub for sharing event details, sponsor information, and race results, fostering engagement and building visibility for the team. The platform has become an essential tool for coordinating club activities and strengthening connections within the cycling community.



  1. Company

    (1 year)

    Lead Fullstack Engineer
  2. Company

    (3 years)

    Founding Software Engineer, VP of Engineering
  3. Company

    (2 years)

    Software Engineer
  4. Company

    (4 months)

    Software Engineering Intern
  5. Company

    (1 year)

    Software Engineer
  6. Company

    (4 months)

    Software Engineering Intern
  7. Company

    (1 year)

    Technical Advisor



High ProficiencySome ExperienceSome Exposure

Programming Languages


Frontend Technologies

HTMLCSSReactDesign SystemsD3.jsSVGStorybookFigmaNext.jsTailwind CSSBootstrapSassStyled ComponentsjQueryMDXGraphQLApollo ClientAngularReduxGatsbyVueBackbonePHPSvelteIonic

Backend Technologies

Node.jsExpress.jsNext.jsApollo ServerREST APIsGraphQL APIsWebSocketsNginxServerlessKafka.NETRuby on RailsSpringDjangoFlaskTomcat

Data Technologies

PostgreSQLMySQLDynamoDBMongoDBSplunkDatadogAmazon CloudWatchGoogle AnalyticsPrometheusGrafanaMicrosoft SQL ServerFirebaseOracle DatabaseCassandraRedisElasticsearch

Build, Test, & Deploy Tools

NPMYarnJestCypressEnzymeTesting LibraryGitHubGitLabBitbucketCircleCIBambooWebpackBabelESlintPrettierDockerKubernetesHelmArgoCDTerraformAWS CloudFormationSeleniumViteTravis CIJenkinsAWS CodeDeployMavenGradle

Cloud Infrastructure

Amazon Web ServicesCloudflareAkamaiFastlyVercelGoogle Cloud PlatformHerokuDigitalOceanMicrosoft Azure

Identity Platforms

Auth0AWS CognitoJWTOAuthOpenID ConnectOktaSAMLLDAP

Management & Leadership

Engineering ManagementTechnology StrategyAgile DevelopmentEmployee DevelopmentTechnical RecruitingHeadcount PlanningProject ManagementVendor ManagementComplianceProduct ManagementInvestor RelationsEmployee ExperienceBudget ManagementMergers & Acquisitions


Verbal CommunicationTechnical DocumentationKnowledgebase ManagementSales EngagementsPublic SpeakingFundraisingPodcasts


  • Dipock Das

    Product Leader at Catio

    I had the pleasure of working with Matt, and I can confidently say that he is one of the most talented, dedicated, and forward-thinking developers I’ve encountered. His ability to seamlessly blend technical expertise with modern best practices has been a major asset to our team.

    Matt isn’t just an ...

  • Heather Doshay

    Partner, People + Talent at SignalFire

    I worked with Matt as VP Engineering for Spec as his VC Talent Partner, and was incredibly impressed with him. He brought a great balance of kindness and discipline to hire and manage his functional area intentionally. I've been hiring engineers for about a decade and worked with hundreds of enginee...

  • Anthony Micara

    VP of Product Success at Spec

    It has been a rewarding experience working alongside Matt Kharrl for over two years at Spec, where he was the founding engineer. His evolution into a multifaceted leader was truly remarkable and a testament to his capabilities.

    Matt’s diverse skill set is a rare find and proved to be a cornerstone i...

  • Justin Wayne

    Senior Software Engineer at Spec

    As a senior engineer in Matt's organization at Spec, I've watched him excel in leadership as a technical lead, Engineering Manager, and VP of Engineering. He established the processes we needed to scale up our team, provided the vision to coordinate our efforts, nurtured a strong engineering culture...

  • Grant Redfearn

    Staff DevOps Engineer at Spec

    Besides being absolutely prolific in producing process, documentation, and strategy — Matt has an innate ability to inspire. I was privileged to watch him grow a small team of senior engineers into a highly productive engineering organization with unmatched culture. Always leading by example, and ta...

  • Matt was founder and engineer #1 at Spec. He's built prototypes, UX frameworks, deployment pipelines, and finished products that now serve Fortune 500 enterprises. Matt's a passionate "all-in" engineer who knows what it takes to prove it out, make it work, make it scale, and make it special. He's a ...

  • Dean Weinert

    VP of Product Management at ThreatMetrix

    Matt fulfilled an internship at ThreatMetrix under my supervision during the summer of 2017. During that time, I developed a high regard for Matt based on the outstanding contributions he made on several high-profile projects.

    He demonstrated that he is technically capable with a wide array of langu...